Category: HVAC Blog

Calgary AC Repair

Typically, most air conditioning unit failures happen in the summer months; this is because the unit is working hard to keep your home cool all summer long. Like any piece of equipment, air conditioners will need repairs at some point during their life and when they do, it’s usually because of common problems. Common AC Repairs The most common cause for an AC to break down is a lack of

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6 Signs There Is An Issue With Your Water Heater

Your time of rest and relaxation in the bath can be marred by cold water if your hot water tank is not performing at its peak. A water heater is one of the most underappreciated appliances in our home and its importance is only felt when you are literally left in the cold. Therefore, it is best to know if there is any issues with your water tank: Rusty Water

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Top 6 Causes for Hot Water Heater Failure

1. Excessive sediment buildup Over time sediment or minerals will build up at the bottom of your hot water tank. This will cause you to receive less hot water than usual, damage to heating elements within the hot water tank, and a possible smell of rotten eggs to your water. Sediment buildup will happen to any hot water tank and needs to be flushed out in order for your tank

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Water Heater Maintenance

As a vital piece of equipment in your home, your hot water tank needs to have regular maintenance completed throughout the year to ensure the water heater works properly, to help prevent any unwanted repairs and to ensure the hot water tank lasts its estimated lifetime, which is 10-12 years. If you attempt any maintenance yourself, it is highly recommended that the electricity or gas be shut off before any

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Top 6 Causes of Furnace Failure

Top 6 Causes of Furnace Failure 1. Infrequent maintenance Maintenance on your furnace unit should be completed annually, or semi-annually, it is recommended that maintenance is completed in the fall before winter. Without regular maintenance, normal wear and tear of the unit will increase resulting in unwanted repairs. When regular maintenance is complete you will have a record of the mechanical parts inside your unit, you will then be aware

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Basic Furnace Maintenance Tips

Furnace maintenance is very important to ensure your furnace runs smoothly; luckily furnaces can typically go long periods of time without any furnace maintenance. It is recommended your furnace receive maintenance at least once a year, however, it is best to have furnace unit maintenance completed twice a year, once during the spring and again in the fall. Your furnace is considered the most important piece of equipment in your

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Top 6 Causes of Air Conditioner Failure

1. Neglecting Annual Maintenance Annual maintenance is very important for your unit, it can not only increase the lifespan of your unit, it will ensure there are minimal repairs within the AC units’ lifetime. There are simple tasks that can be done yourself such as changing the air filter, and cleaning the outside of the unit, to help your unit maintain its functionality. The most recommended method is calling in

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Basic Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Like almost everything in our lives, maintenance is a part of any technical item around. Your computer may need maintenance to increase its speed, your vehicle definitely needs maintenance such as oil changes to keep it running efficiently, air conditioning maintenance is no exception. Your air conditioner is made of many components that allow it to do its job; keep you and your home or business cool in the summer

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