
AAA Heating and Plumbing is proudly partnered with Financeit. We offer convenient, low montly payment options to help you finance your HVAC and Plumbing products and services. Rest assured the Financeit application is 100% secure and confidential.

Now offering: 6 months, no payments*

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for financing?

Click the apply now button below to be re-directed to our secure application form.  We are partnered with Financeit, your application will be handled directly through them. 

How long does it take to get approved?

Get credit checks in seconds, complete applications in minutes. Set up pre-authorized payments.

Can I pay my loan off early?

You can pay off principal of your loan early, with zero penalty.

What can I expect for an interest rate?

Your interest rate will be determined based on the size of your loan, the details of your credit report, and the type of product or project you’ve purchased.

How long will I be making payments?

Amortization periods can vary, and depend on the size of your loan, the details of your credit report, and the type of product or project you’ve purchased. 

Where can I learn about your finance partner; Financeit?

Please check out their website for all commonly asked consumer questions:


To sign-up for a service plans, please fill out your customer information below. Our office will first create, then send you a contract for signature and payment information. Once complete, your service plan and benefits will be in force.