Calgary AC Repair

Typically, most air conditioning unit failures happen in the summer months; this is because the unit is working hard to keep your home cool all summer long. Like any piece of equipment, air conditioners will need repairs at some point during their life and when they do, it’s usually because of common problems.

Common AC Repairs

The most common cause for an AC to break down is a lack of yearly maintenance. These once a year appointments can do so many great things for your unit such as prolonging their life span by remedying any potential issues. Here are five of the most common problems that can cause your air conditioner to need repairs.

Yearly Tune-Up: The #1 issue for AC repair is not completing yearly maintenance. By not doing a yearly tune-up you are at risk of future unnecessary break downs. Think of the annual tune-up like an oil change on your car. If you wouldn’t skip an oil change, why would you skip an annual air conditioning tune-up?

General Wear & Tear: Over time, certain parts of your unit will start to fail and need replacing, and yearly maintenance can prevent some unexpected wear & tear as the HVAC technician is capable of noticing any deprecation of AC components.

Thermostat: The brain of your AC system is your thermostat, and when it has issues, it can cause chaos with the comfort levels of your home. Thermostat issues can lead to your unit constantly staying on, or the opposite, a complete shut off. Not only will these cause problems for the unit itself, but they can cause issues to your wallet by increasing energy usage and therefore energy bills. Luckily this is one of the easiest and quickest fixes that any HVAC technician will be able to find and be able to provide repair.

Fan Issues: Air conditioners have two fans: one that blows the cool air into your home, and one that blows the hot air out of your home. If the fans are not working properly your unit will have restricted air flow, which can lead to more serious issues such as compressor failure. Issues with AC fans can be due to many factors such as worn belts, too much dirt or debris, and other similar issues.

Ducts: Any issues with the ductwork can cause serious problems with your air conditioner. For example, if there are any holes or tears in the ductwork, the cool air will escape making your unit work harder to keep your home cool. Rodents, birds, or even bugs can wreck ducts by building their nests inside of the ductwork; we recommend ductwork to be checked throughout the year to ensure none of these issues are present. Your ductwork should be cleaned every 2 years to help protect its longevity.

The biggest why reason air conditioners break down is because annual maintenance is not completed throughout the year, and often time, for several years. Each spring, HVAC companies get busier with scheduled maintenance calls and complete routine tune-ups. Every tune-up should include various tasks to ensure your unit is running at its peak performance. This will help save you additional headaches with unexpected repairs, and it will most likely increase the lifespan of your unit. Here are a few steps that should be completed each and every year.

– Bearings should be inspected for any wear and tear
– All moving parts such as belts should be lubricated
– Calibrate thermostat
– Change thermostat batteries, if required
– Inspect condensate levels
– Check insulation
– Ensure refrigerant lines are clear of any physical damage
– Testing of the motor
– Inspect for any leaks
– Check fan blades are balanced
– Look at the capacitor and replace if required
– Level outside unit, if required
– Clean any dirt and debris from blower and coils
– Change the air filter


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