Category: Blog

6 Common Furnace Problems in Calgary

The last thing you want as a homeowner is to have to deal with a cold Alberta winter without a working furnace. It’s no secret how cold Calgary gets in the middle of winter, which is why ensuring that your furnace is always in good condition is so important. The thing is, furnace problems crop up when we least expect them, and it’s not always financially doable to pay for furnace

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How Often Should Furnace Filters Be Changed?

How Often Does Your Furnace Filter Need to Be Changed? If you have a central heating and cooling system in your home, maintaining a clean furnace filter is one of the simplest and most effective ways to improve the efficiency of your furnace. A dirty filter can restrict air flow, causing your furnace to work harder and use more energy, leading to higher energy bills. In addition, a clogged filter

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How Does a Gas Furnace Work?

More than six million Canadians use gas to heat and cool their homes and businesses, cook, heat water, and keep the lights on. But, few of them understand how these vital systems work. Are you one of them? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll walk you through all that you need to know about how your furnace works and help you avoid sticky situations like emergency furnace repair. We’ll

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The Importance of Having Your Furnace Maintained Yearly

Natural gas makes up 77% of household energy use in Alberta. Since gas furnaces are the usual choice in Calgary, most people try to find ways to make their furnaces run more efficiently and last longer. So, you might be wondering “does a gas furnace need to be cleaned?” Let’s look at why you do need to have your furnace cleaned and maintained yearly and how furnace repair in Calgary can make

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Choosing a Furnace Repair Company

A furnace can last about 20 years on average, as long as it is taken care of and maintained properly. Part of good furnace maintenance is finding a reliable furnace repair service. Are you looking for a Calgary HVAC company to help you with your furnace repair, furnace installation, or furnace replacement? Keep reading these top tips to help you choose the best Calgary furnace repair services. Make Sure They Are Qualified The

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What Are The Signs That You May Need a New Furnace?

In cities like Vancouver, the weather may be unpredictable. We know that the weather can change at the drop of a hat so it’s no surprise that a solid heating and cooling system is important. Your Vancouver furnace is requiring multiple repairs. If you’re having to call your HVAC technician multiple times in order to keep your furnace working, it may be time for a furnace replacement. Vancouver furnace repair

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Here Are A Few Scary Truths You May Not Want To Hear (But Should) About Your Ducts.

Your air ducts may be responsible for your dirty home. That’s right, you heard this correctly! Your air ducts may be responsible for the cleanliness (or lack of) in your home. When your home ducts are dirty, dirt may deposit on your walls and floors, making your home almost impossible to keep clean. Your ducts may be suffocating your Furnace and AC. Part of the function of ducts, is to

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Tips To Increase Your Air Conditioner Lifespan

On average, air conditioners can last up to 15 years. However, because of various reasons a considerable number of air conditioners don’t make it past a decade. In this article, we will discuss some easy tips to increase the lifespan of your air conditioner. Install a High-Efficiency System High-efficiency air conditioners often have the latest features such as two stage compressors and variable speed air handlers. Besides saving energy, these

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Why Is Your Water Heater Making A Rumbling Sound And Is It Potentially A Sign That It May Need Replacement?

We often hear homeowners complain about numerous problems regarding their water heaters. However, one problem that continues to bother people the most is hearing unusual rumbling sounds from their water heaters. In this article, we will discuss the possible reasons for hearing those noises. What Causes These Rumbling Sounds? One of the most common reasons for these rumbling noises to start making noises is that sediment starts building up in

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3 Signs That Your Furnace Is On Its Last Legs

There are clear signs that your furnace may be on its last legs and with the cold winter months in Calgary, it’s always recommended to prevent any possible breakdown and avoiding being left without any heat. Here are some possible signs that your furnace may be going: Increased Heating Bills There can be many reasons behind your energy bill increasing unexpectedly. However, one of the most common reasons is that

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