Category: Plumbing

How to Find Main Water Shut Off

Knowing where your main water shut off valve is located is crucial for any homeowner. In the event of a leak or plumbing emergency, being able to quickly shut off the water supply can save you from significant water damage. AAA Plumbing in Calgary is here to guide you through the process of locating your main water shut off valve. Common Locations for the Main Water Shut Off Valve Plumbing

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Complete History of Poly B Piping

Polybutylene (Poly B) piping was once considered the future of plumbing, offering a cheaper and seemingly efficient alternative to traditional copper pipes. However, its legacy has been tarnished by controversy and widespread failures, leading to its fall from grace. In this article, we’ll delve into the complete history of Poly B piping, its rise to popularity, the problems that emerged, and what homeowners should know about Poly B piping replacement.

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Emergency Toilet Repair: Quick Fixes for a Leaking Toilet

A leaking toilet is more than just an inconvenience; it can lead to increased water bills and potential water damage if not addressed promptly. As a homeowner or tenant, knowing how to handle emergency toilet repairs can save the day—and potentially your wallet—until professional help arrives. This article outlines some quick fixes for a leaking toilet, offering handy plumbing tips that can help you stem the flow and protect your

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Water on Demand vs Standard Hot Water Tanks

Choosing the right hot water solution for your home can be a critical decision that affects not only your comfort but also your wallet. In the search for the perfect hot water system, homeowners often weigh the benefits of water on demand systems, like tankless heaters, against standard hot water tanks. Whether you live in Calgary or any other city, understanding the differences between these systems is key to making

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Why Do I need a Sump Pump?

Planning ahead for a furnace installation can save you time, money, and stress. Choosing the right time of year is crucial, and surprisingly, summer offers several unique advantages for installing your new heating system. Understanding Sump Pumps What is a Sump Pump? A sump pump is a submersible device placed in the lowest part of a basement or crawlspace. Its job is to help keep the area under the building

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How to Navigate Emergency Plumbing Issues

Plumbing plays an important role in ensuring our homes are comfortable, hygienic, and safe. However, when things go awry, the resulting emergency can cause significant stress and potential damage. Understanding how to identify and respond to these situations is crucial. What is Considered a Plumbing Emergency? A plumbing emergency is any issue that if not immediately addressed, could threaten your property’s safety, cause significant damage, or pose health risks. This

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Common Plumbing Emergencies: What To Expect

When it comes to maintaining a home, plumbing issues can spring up without warning, turning from minor annoyances into full-blown emergencies in no time. Understanding these emergencies, how to address them promptly, and when to call in the professionals are key steps in safeguarding your home against potential damage. AAA Heating and Plumbing is here to guide you through the maze of plumbing emergencies, ensuring you’re well-prepared to tackle any

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